Friday, April 2, 2010


Right now, in my little world, life is caotic to say the least. When life is spiining out of control, I feel that as humans we look for ways to slow it down so we handle life. My way is to simplify things. I look to the past to help with the present. We are constantly on the go and never see one another. I am almost always short and gruff with my youngest. She is so wonderful and forgiving. I smile everytime I look at those emerald green eyes. I never see the oldest except for the two days this past week that he was stuck in the car with now me. My heart sings whenever I get those moments. He will be off on his own journey soon and I will not get to look into deep soulful eyes every day like I do now.

My blog reading has dramatically changed within the past year. I used to solelly read ones about clothes, shopping, etc... but it is more about family, home, church, etc... I am comfortable in this role that I have made. I may not always be in this role but for now this is what works. I am a HORRIBLE and I do mean bad, housekeeper. {just keeping it real} Knowing this and knowing where I want my journey to go that must change and change quickly. I have been working on things in my mind for weeks if not months on how I need life to be and now it is time to implement these things.

You may ask, where are you going with this rambling? Well let me tell you. Since I have my life map done, I hope to use this as my accountability tool. My fabulous husband occasionally reads this ,{hi, honey} so he will certainly make sure I do what I say. Of course in the end I only have to prove this to my self. Eventually I will have this blog up and running like everyone else but it will take time. I am not computer literate. Ok enough of this sappy mombo jombo. I am off to clean the kitchen. Have a great spring day. Next post will not be such a downer, I promise.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for being my 100th follower!!! I'm so excited!! (can you tell!)
